Never, Never, Never Give Up

So, it’s been about 4 months since I last wrote. A lot has happened since then.

First off, it actually started snowing in New England – after last winter, there was a question whether it would happen. Well it has, several times. Nemo? Ukko? Along with being done with being fat, I’m done with Old Man Winter. As I type, I have a lightbox flooding me with 60 mini blue LEDS – I am, according to my doctor, moderately Vitamin D deficient. (Sidenote: Interesting study done on Vitamin D Deficiency and Depression ).

Secondly, I finally got pissed off enough about my physical state (there was a galvanizing event that sent me over the edge, but that’s a good thing) and have actually started exercising consistently now for 2 months. This is HUGE for me. Over the last 10 years, I’ve only managed to get religious about exercise for a period of about a year and a half straight. Before that, for years I ran 5ks, 10ks, a half-marathon and even a marathon (okay, really I jogged the marathon, but I finished). There have been multiple fits and starts, and – well – this feels like it just could stick. But I will take this a day at a time. It is the only way to not set myself up for failure.

Thirdly, I told myself I was going to join my old gym because I always felt so comfortable there, and when I went to Google it, the number one result was a Groupon for a 2-month membership for $199 with 6 1/2 personal training sessions, and two physical assessments. It was, as a friend of mine would call it, a “God Shot.” I asked for something, and I received it. I hopped on that deal like the Lone Ranger would on Silver.

And, I have showed up religiously ever since. And done more than what the trainer suggested. Yes, I am slightly compulsive which serves me well in situations like this. Not so much when a bag of Reese’s miniatures is sitting in front of me. Nom, nom, nom….NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM!

This isn’t meant to pat myself on the back (although for the first time in a LONG time, I do actually feel proud of myself for something I am doing), but to confirm that even the most hopeless obese person can take action, and can feel better nearly instantly (workouts and endorphins? Fuggedaboutit…) both physically & mentally. I had been hopeless around my weight for years now. Hopeless, and struggling so much nearly every minute of every day with it. The depletion from that alone was enough to make me just want to checkout permanently.

But I haven’t because I am here writing about it, down roughly 11 lbs over the past 7 weeks! All from exercise, and eating right. We’ll talk more about those details later.

Just know that if I can do this, anyone can. I never thought that I would feel like going to the gym again, or eating hummus and pretzel crisps as an afternoon snack, or even TALKING about all of this in a public forum, but, well, things change. To quote Sir Winston Churchill, known for his bulldog-like tenacity:

“When you are going through hell, keep on going. Never never never give up.”

Be back soon, peeps. Gotta hit the gym.

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