-52 lbs

50 lbs of fat
This is 50 lbs. of fat. This same amount + a few pounds has left my body.

My God.  Just writing that headline “-52 lbs” is surreal.  Like – me?  Have I really been that overweight I could lose 52 lbs and still be breathing?  And the answer is – yes.  I have been obese now for – on and off, mostly on – 10 years.

Don’t get me wrong. I am THRILLED that I have been able to lose this weight. I am absolutely so relieved that I am finally living in the solution after a decade of binging, not exercising, cutting out all sugar, losing weight, gaining it all back PLUS another 40 lbs. To be able to have a day where I don’t obsess over food and beat myself up over not exercising is an absolute miracle – the weight loss, physical improvements, and mental benefits?  Not to sound flip, but, they are like gravy.  Just to be free of the defeatist and compulsive behavior is worth it to me.

While I don’t want to claim it’s been easy to do this, it has not been as hard as spending 10 years living with the mental anguish and physical discomfort of being obese and depressed and angry. I just wanted to not feel terrible.

And not only do I not feel terrible, I feel great. How could I not being 52 lbs lighter?  It’s like I was carrying around a first-grader, and now I have put them down.  52lbs.  Look at it up there.  It’s disgusting!

Here are five reasons I am thrilled to be on the health and weight loss path: about given

1) I don’t have to spend a ton of time THINKING up excuses for why NOT to go to the gym.

2) I don’t have to make sure I get everything from the first floor to the second floor in one trip.  I can go up and down the stairs multiple times, and it’s not the effort it once was.

3) I put jeans in the dryer now. Yup. IN THE DRYER.

4) I don’t feel sick and hungover the morning after a candy or ice cream binge because I don’t have the binges anymore.  (I’ll go into more of that later)

5) My anxiety about going out with friends, to meetings, to fun places, to business lunches has pretty much disappeared.  I’m out doing things more than I have been in years.

I’m on the path.  I’m living in the solution.  One day at a time.  One meal at a time.  :-)


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